Stories for Change Booklet

Build an argument for alternative futures and take others along change!

It's more important than ever to have a clear understanding of your organization's next best action. Even more so, the ability to bring others along on this transformative journey.

Our Stories for Change method helps to gain a deeper understanding of a subject or alternative future, while building a narrative that guides others along with you. Through this method you not only analyze the subject from various perspectives but also foster a mindset that embraces possibilities, thus broadening the space for solutions. When finished, you are left with a story for change - a logical argument that reasons from the cause to the desired change.

You can learn a lot from other stories for change, for your own practice or getting better at generating your own scenarios and stories. In this booklet we share some of the typical scenarios that companies have created with us over the past decade.

So, try it yourself and download our Stories for Change booklet! After all, you are in the drivers seat of your future(s). 

Download the Stories for Change booklet! 💡